How to get "Bearer {access_token}"?



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    Permanently deleted user

    Hi Yuri, you can get new access token on the portal by going to API Apps tab. This tab could be under either Company or Server Admin tab depending on your profile. 

    You'd first need to create a new client. Then choose that client > click Get New Access Token.

    A new window will pop up with something similar to this:

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    Yuri Golubev

    Hello, Le.

    Thanks for Ur reply, but my purpose is to use API only. So I need to generate access token programmatically only.


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    Tony Ruth

    Hey Yuri, can you please check the web address when you login. I suspect it looks like "". If that is true, then please make sure you are sending the JWT to the following address.



    If your URL looks like "" then please use the company name instead of app.

    Hope that helps,


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