Dynamic value as Default and Calculated Values



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    Tony Ruth

    Hi Roland, not sure if you are aware, but using the Read-Only input for calculated fields doesn't allow the user to modify anything in that field directly and would only change when one of the input fields was changed.

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    Lea Ronne

    Hi, I have found some frustrations with this as well. I would like to have a default value on the form load but then once it is changed it stays changed even if you exit and reenter the form. Currently, I am getting around it by basing it off of another field that has to be selected but my concern with this is if they accidently unselect that field then it could set everything back to the default values. example: if(select field == -1) {default value} else {name of field}. I have put in some safety checks so that it is harder for them to mistakenly uncheck something but it is messy and inefficient. Could there be another option that sets the default value separate from the dynamic value and only operates when the form is first generated?

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    Guy Swartwout

    Yes. Agreed. This "Dynamic Value" drives me absolutely crazy. If I set a default constant value such as field="", that value can be overwritten and maintained. That is not dynamic. That is a default. This is usable if we can understand how it behaves.

    If I use a formula, referencing another element on the page, the value changes dynamically. This is a Dynamic Value, but if that value is set deliberately, it can override the formula. This is incorrect, but it can be avoided by making the field readonly.

    The real problem is when a formula references values from a parent page. This never recalculates dynamically, and that's a BIG, BIG problem for us.

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