Library for generating JWT Access Token in Java
Hey guys,
i was working on a project for importing / exporting iFormBuilder form data using the API in java. Since i couldn't find any code for doing this in java i created my own library for people to use. Here it is:
its pretty straight forward but does use a few external libraries. It primarily depends on "Nimbus JOSE + JWT" library for JWT generation and apache http client and lang2 for creating http-post and data conversions. You can get rid of the dependencies if you like and rewrite this code using Java SE.
Here is how easy it is to use:
String clientKey = "yourIFromBuilderClientKey";
String clientSecret = "yourIFromBuilderClientSecret";
String URL = "";
String accessToken = AccessToken.getToken(clientKey, clientSecret, URL);
System.out.println("accessToken = " + accessToken);
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