3rd Party Widget - Phone & Maps - Pass and receive variable data
CompletedWe need the ability to call the phone number of a field a record and show directions to a clients job using the 3rd Party Widget
The 3rd Party Widget allows phone and maps and other applications to be opened from within iFormbuilder, but the information passed is hardcoded into the form ie only information loaded into iFormBuilder during form build.
We need to be able to call the phone number in a field in the form and open maps to show directions to an address (from multiple fields) in the form.
More generically there needs to be the ability to pass variable data to and from the 3rd Party Widget.
Penny / Berit pointed out that you can use the Attachment Widget on iOS with Dynamic URL for the maps by putting into the Attachment Link: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=${address} where address is another DCN. However I could not do tel:${phone_number}.
Plus the Attachment with a dynamic URL only works on iOS and not on Android...
Can we please get this fixed so we can do phone and maps (and other apps) using either the Attachment or 3rd Party Widget.
Here is a link to a working prototype of the dynamic 3rd party widget.
What does everything think of this?
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We also need this - the ability to call or email directly from the form, which then passes dynamic information to phone or email client.
Zerion promote iForm as a "data collection" system - this feature is about our use of the system to PROVIDE DATA to the end user - its a different focus than data collection.
The Beta looks good. Looks like it is using a dynamic value from a text or number element? I assume that the 3rd Party widget can be populated from a CSV upload if we dump the data into a read only element. Then the user can simply click the 3rd party element that already has the number, email, address or url scheme?
Or is there some page level JavaScript that is required meaning this can only be used in the parent form?
Hi Darius, Yes the 3rd party element can be populated from read-only elements as well as a variety of others to form your URL string.
Also there is no page level javascript that is required for this to work it will work throughout any level of your forms by referencing a data column name.
Hi Folks. In anticipation for this release we have put together some documentation on how to configure this in your forms. Take a look at this video for more details.
The hyperlinks would be job specific and unique to each report. What would the dynamic value be assuming a hyperlink of https://my.video.com. The would still take 2 elements correct? One to paste the hyperlink into and another to activate it for the form user to select abnd check to make sure it is pointing to the correct address, correct?
So, in that case, you would have to use the dynamic attachment and create the url from any form field. Then the user in the form would hit the attachment and if it loads up the video it is good to go. You would need to have 2 elements for this as one to open up the attachment and another to store the data so the report has that information for the user to click on.
Hey Everyone. We have just released an app update to the store that allows for this functionality to be implemented. Check out our release notes for more information. https://iformbuilder.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015058651-iOS-Release-Notes-8-27
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