Video Widget - Support to capture Video Recordings
I would like to see iFormBuilder support the ability to capture Video instead of just photo and audio. This would be useful for Inspections, Audits, and much more.
Did Zerion/iFormbuilder team have considered it?
I am looking for this feature where it is understood that on the report it will be only a link where the video will reside. It could be Youtube, Dropbox or any other repository.
At least if the feature exist, the end user that is looking at the reports could see the video by only 1 click.The request came up when a customer asked me instead of having 5 pictures, a simple video would have demontrated exactly what was needed.
Thanks Aam for following up...
Hi Ben,
If we are to host the video on any repository, not sure how it would make a difference, beside the fact that the upload duration will vary depending on the video length.
Based on my needs, I would say if I can get 30 seconds per video it would be great, that way it will provide enough time to collect and demonstrate the items, even for Quality audits it would be best as pictures sometime shows only what you want to show and not the whole picture :-) I know some Techs/Engineer are famous in this.
Thanks for looking into this. As you can see it is not only for 1 team, but as well a value-added for Zerion.
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