Lookup feature with Shared forms



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    There appears to be an undocumented "feature"... I was under the impression that all forms stored their data per profile. So, I created a lookup table in the profile in which a form was shared to (not in the master profile). It worked in a mock-up, so I moved forward. Took me 2 days to figure out why it only sometimes worked, but long story short: if you have a form in a "master" profile that references a lookup table... you can create that lookup table in the "slave" profile. The trick is creating a "dummy" form which contains a reference to this lookup table. If you don't, it won't work (i.e. just having the table gets you nothing). Maybe easier to describe my steps:
    1. Create From A in Profile 1
    2. Share Form A to Profile 2
    3. Assign Form A to User
    4. Create lookup table Form B in Profile 2
    5. Modify Form A in Profile 1 to include a lookup to Form B
    6. Test the form – it doesn’t work
    7. Create From C in Profile 2, with a lookup to Form B in Profile2
    8. Assign Form C to User
    9. Open Form A again – lookup works

    Pretty sure this is not the way it's supposed to work, and in my case having all the data in a master profile is fine - I'll be switching back to that shortly!

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    Blake, did you end up using this method much. I found that if you created the lookup tables in the second profile only and made sure they were referenced by a form in the second profile that was loaded by that user - then no problems.

    IE Profile 1 - Form A looks up table_db
    Share Form A with Profile B
    Delete / remove table_db from Profile A
    Create table_db in Profile B and populate
    Create a new form C in Profile and include an lookup to table_db
    Ensure the new form C is also loaded by the users with the Form A.

    Pretty much the same - but had to get rid of the lookup table in the central profile.

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    No - I've just been putting all the data in the master profile. Didn't want to rely on something undocumented that may or may not be around.

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    Blake we're making extensive use of this - did you hit any issues.

    We basically setup the forms in the central profile, removed the lookup table (deleted the form), and then used package importer to take the form into each local profile, and included in as a lookup in local form that gets loaded along with the shared form by the user.

    Much like you showed below.


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    Any update on this request?

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