Pick Lists Not Requiring Done or Select to be clicked.
CompletedOnce a user selects an option in a picklist they are then required to click select/done to continue. This is not the case in a lot of other apps/webpages where clicking an option automatically selects and minimizes the picklist option window.
I think this would really help with the flow of completing forms, especially in the iPhone version which I feel is particularly sloppy.
Hi. This has been logged over five years and still hasn't been addressed. It is a simple change which will greatly improve user experience and speed. Evey time I show someone a iFormBuilder form I have to explain that then need to press the tick icon to progress. This is not intuitive.
Why can this not be resolved?
Hey Folks,
We are getting started on the development of this and hope to have an update here this month. Below is an outline of how the new behavior would work
- When you select an option it will confirm and automatically close the element.
- When you re-open a previously selected option and select another picklist option it will select it then automatically close.
- When you re-open a previously selected option and de-select the current option it will stay open. When you select another option it will then automatically close.
Moving forward this will be the default functionality. If you would like to keep the old functionality in your forms you can use an element level reference ID to keep the old behavior.
We look forward to getting this implemented!
Hello everyone and thank you for your patience. In the next releases for iOS and Android in early November this new picklist functionality will be implemented.
For more information on how this new feature will work, please take a look at the video on our YouTube channel.
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