Delete Images from Records in Edit Mode
"Ability to delete images from records on collection device. As of now a user can upload/take an image but cannot delete said image if incorrect. You can replace the image, but if data set too large you must delete the record all together. Would be nice to have option to delete images without discarding record"
(Submitted on behalf of Christopher McNees)
Yes, PLEASE add this feature, it would be extremely handy. The problem with creating photos as subform records are they would be exported out on a different tab with the data. It is handy to have the photos on the same page as the data when reviewing them and not have to manipulate the excel output to bring them back onto the same page.
We would also like to see this feature added to the platform.
Our teams are assigned a subform record to edit/update a field observation. During the observation event, the team members would like to ability to delete an existing image. We require the team members to acknowledge the field visit by either replacing the existing image with a new image (only if the material has changed from the last visit) or cover the camera lens with their finger and snap a picture which posts a "red block" that designates "no change". We would rather have the option to delete the previous image rather than post a "red block".
Feature Request: We would like to have the ability to tap on the existing image and receive the following option prompts: (1) Take a new photo; (2) Use photo from library; or (3) Delete the photo
Hi, guys
I agree this would be a helpful enhancement on the device side and something that will be shared with our team. Deleting images is currently possible from our Webforms interface. If an uploaded record is assigned to a user, they can open that record in Webforms and delete the picture from there. Maybe not ideal for people in the field, but something to consider until the functionality is available on the app side.
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