Can you have a Default value preset but allow to be overwritten?



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    Penny Lau

    Hi Sarah,

    Thank you for reaching out. Let's say you have the data column name for a question as "question_1", then to default a value for that question, you need to put "question_1=0" (minus quotes, 0 stands for the first option, 1 for the second option, and so on) in the Dynamic Value section of that question. Please let me know if that doesn't work for you.


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    Sarah Warren

    This works for that specific element, but the following linked elements don’t get that info that is auto populated when the option is actually selected if used on the iForm.


    For example if option 1 (No issue Identified) is selected, the Severity Level element and Corrective Action element (both read only fields) get auto filled based off another sub form/database answers that equal to that option.


    Both other elements already have existing Dynamic Values applied eg severity_database_1.severity_level

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    Penny Lau

    Sarah, sounds like you might need to use some IF statement here. For example: if(select_field>0){severity_level=select_field}else{severity_level=severity_database_1.severity_level}

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    Sarah Warren

    This worked perfectly - thank you so much!

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