form builder elements
Table of Contents
- What is the Multi-Photo element?
- How do I add the Multi-Photo element to my form?
- How do I navigate the Multi-Photo element?
- What happens if the captured image is corrupted?
What is the Multi-Photo element?
The Multi-Photo element is a brand new element that allows a user to rapidly take several photos at one time within the same element. Some of the main features of the Multi-Photo element include:
- The ability to take multiple photos within a single element.
- Not having to confirm after each photo is taken.
- Users can take photos and upload them from the device gallery within the same element.
These improvements will help speed up image collection with a more streamlined experience.
PLEASE NOTE: As of June 14, 2022, the Multi-Photo element is Phase 1 and it is currently in the beta. Please test your use cases thoroughly before rolling out live to the field. We would also love to hear your feedback and what you like about the Multi-Photo element and what you'd love to see in future phases. Visit our Community Post to provide your feedback.
The Multi-Photo element is available for the following clients:
- iForm for iOS 9.22 (beta)
- iForm for Android 9.16
- Webforms 3.1
How do I add the Multi-Photo element to my form?
To add a Multi-Photo Element to your form, please follow the instructions below.
STEP 1. From inside the Form Builder, click the Multi-Photo icon from the left-hand menu. You'll see it populate the device view.
Enter the name of your element.
PLEASE NOTE: If you check the Based on Label option, it will create a data column based on the Label on the element.
STEP 2. Scroll down to the Element Properties section. Under Dynamic Attributes, you'll see the following options:
- Multi Photo Element Limit: Applies limit to the number of photos that can be selected in the element.
- Disable Camera: When enabled, the camera cannot be used for this element.
- Disable Photo Library: When enabled, the photo library cannot be used for this element.
PLEASE NOTE: The maximum limit for the Multi-Photo element is 6. If you want to limit your users to fewer images within a particular element, use this Dynamic Attribute to do so.
STEP 3. Save your form.
How do I navigate the Multi-photo element?
The Multi-Photo element will work differently than the Image element. For a quick guide on how to navigate the new functionality, please see below.
PLEASE NOTE: In the API Sync Settings of the app, "User Header" and "Media Upload" must be turned on in order to use the element. A message will pop-up when selecting the multi-photo element if these flags are not turned on.
After clicking the Multi-Photo element, you'll see these tools:
- A: After taking photos or choosing them from the device gallery, this allows you to delete any of the unwanted images.
- B: This is the count of how many photos you have taken or uploaded and the total limit of images you can add. In the below example, the user can take a maximum of 6 photos and has taken 0 so far.
- C: Clicking the camera icon will activate the camera.
- D: Clicking the image icon will open the device's photo gallery.
Once inside the camera, you'll have the following options:
- A: This will flip the camera around.
- B: This will allow you to zoom in and out. You can also do this by pinching the camera screen.
- C: This will take you back to the element, but retain the pictures you have taken. For example, the limit is set to 6 but the user only needs to take 4. Hitting the back button will allow the user to retain the 4 images taken and return to the element.
- D: Clicking this button will take the picture (up to 6 times in this example).
- E: Is the count of how many pictures have been taken.
To delete any unwanted photos, select the checkbox associated with the photo and click the trashcan icon at the bottom.
Click the checkmark to submit.
What happens if the captured image is corrupted?
If the captured image for the Multi-Photo element is corrupted, the error message below will be displayed, prompting the user to re-open the element and recapture the image to ensure it is saved properly.
PLEASE NOTE: This will work beginning with iForm v10.10.6.
There was an error while processing the image on <element_name>.
Please reopen the element and try again.
For example:
How is this handles in WebMerge Documents? is there an HTML solution to parse the photos out so we can insert them into reports with predetermined labels?
This really a great time saver, when is it planned for production?
WE discovered how to use HTML for this element so photos will show up in your reports. Then you can apply some formatting to them. One thing that occurred to me is that there is a counter set in the form builder. If that counter is in the data somewhere it could be used to trigger text elements to add notes to the photos when needed much like the counter that we use to count multiple sub forms? Am I thinking correctly here, if so this could be a quick solution to add photo labels or comments?
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