iFormBuilder Zebra Printing
Table of Contents
What is a ZPL file?
A ZPL file is the Zebra Programming Language which defines the format in which the printer will print out.
How do I set up my ZPL file to print images?
To set up your ZPL file so that it will print images, please follow the instructions below.
STEP 1. From the design screen, click the picture icon and drag the photo onto the screen.
STEP 2. A modal will pop up which will allow you to select an image to use. Click Open.
It will load the image in the window where you can re-arrange and re-size as needed.
STEP 3. You will now need to Save your file and then Store it.
If you would like to have this image come from an Image, Signature, or Drawing element on the form, continue with the next steps.
STEP 4. From the iFormBuilder Admin Portal, hover over the Forms tab and select Form Builder.
STEP 5. With your form open, identify the element you want to print. In this example, we'll be using a Signature element.
STEP 6. In the Reference ID 3, you will need to add a parameter. For column name, use the data column name of the element above. In this example, it will be signature.
ZEBRA_IMAGE_INFO=column_name, image_file_name, image_width, image_height
This is the full syntax for Reference ID 3:
If you were to do more than one, you would separate them by a semi-colon. For example:
ZEBRA_FORMAT_FILENAME=MYLABEL.ZPL ZEBRA_IMAGE_INFO=my_signature,MYLAB000,300,110;my_signature2,MYLAB001, 300,110
- column_name: The actual data column name of the image you want to print from the form, for example, ‘my_signature’.
- image_file_name: This the file name that the zebra designer gave the file when it sends it to the printer. The file name will be up to the first 5 characters of the ZPL filename followed by 3 numbers representing the image number. For example, if my ZPL file was called MYLABEL.ZPL, the image would be MYLAB000. If you had two images, you would have MYLAB000 and MYLAB001
- image_width: The width of the image in pixels
- image_height: The height of the image in pixels. A sample size for a signature would be 300 by 110 pixels.
When the image actually prints, it can be off a couple of pixels. Adjust the image accordingly on the label. It will take some trial and error to get exactly the right coordinates.
STEP 7. Save your form.
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