Release Date: 7.25.19 - 8.1.2019
Table of Contents
- Dynamic Element Attribute: The Sort Dynamic Attribute will allow users to choose the order in which columns are displayed when using the Lookup element.
- Dynamic Element Attribute: When used in tandem with the Lookup element, the Filter attribute restricts the selectable records based on criteria you determine.
PLEASE NOTE: The clearing functionality listed below will not be available when 8.12 is released. Please see the comments for more details.
- Added the ability to clear the following elements using JavaScript:
In order to clear these elements via JavaScript, you'll need to set them to null. For example, in the Dynamic Value you can use a syntax similar to this:
This will blank out the element when the field called my_toggle is checked. This will blank out the element when the field called my_toggle is checked. - With the Delete Record enhancements, we've removed the old way of pressing and hold to delete a record.
- Fixed a bug where elements that referenced a Lookup element in a Subform didn't work.
- Fixed a bug where the SSO login didn't work when the device was in landscape mode.
- Fixed a bug where the URL Scheme didn't handle URL encoded characters.
- Fixed a bug where the iformbuilder.username built-in function didn't work with Condition Values.
- Fixed a bug that caused the app to crash if there was a space at the end of the device server name.
- Fixed a bug where the Image Label wasn't resizing to fit the device screen.
Here are instructions on setting up the JavaScript to clear values:
Hey Folks, The Android App is now available on the Play Store in BETA. Please head over to the store via your android device to signup for the beta.
Hey Folks. We have found an issue on this Android build where Date and Date-Times where the Date selected was before Jan 1st 1970 would cause the data to be uploaded to the server as blank. We are actively working on a patch for this and hope to have it out soon.
Thank you for your patience.
The patch for the Android App has been deployed to the Play Store. Head over to Google Play to get the latest update.
Let us know if you have any questions about this. Thanks,
Hi Folks we have just deployed a patch to the Google Play Store. This patch fixes an issue we introduced in this 8.11 version of the app
- Using the Assign to Element if you select the username of the logged in device to assign the record back to you it will re-assign the record back to you over and over again as opposed to only re-assigning back once. This is now fixed.
Head over the Google Play Store to get this update -
With the upcoming release of the 8.12 iForm client, the ability to clear elements as listed above in the 8.11 Release Notes will no longer be available. This is due to a change in behavior we did not expect when releasing this functionality. We are working to bring the clearing functionality back, but need to do further research and development before doing so. We appreciate your understanding. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
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