Zerion Dataflows
Filters help you organize and prepare data for display, as well as preventing actions from executing unless certain criteria are met. You will find filters on all actions, as well as the data refining processes (Transformation and Aggregation).
ZERION TIP: A common use case is to have a single RecordSet catch all of the raw data, and one-to-many RecordSets branching off with different filters applied.
To create a Zerion Dataflow filter, please follow the instructions below.
STEP 1. Create a new Dataflow with two RecordSets.
STEP 2. Click the Data Refinery drop-down menu (A) and select New Filter (B).
STEP 3. Click the Sample Data tab.
STEP 4. To create a filter, copy the sample data below and paste it into field show in the image.
"ID": "21670",
"industry": "Facility Management ",
"number_of_users": "50-249"
STEP 5. Click the Config tab (A) and set a filter for the "number_of_users" value, looking for entries that match our sample data (B).
STEP 6. Configure the values you want returned in the filtered recordset.
PLEASE NOTE: In this example, we want all of the values, so we simply put record to return everything.
STEP 7. Click the Preview tab (A) and select Run Preview (B).
This will test the filter code and return results.
STEP 8. Click Submit to save the filter. Now only data which matches the search criteria will pass into this recordset.
- You may find that your preview result looks like the image below.
The is the result returned when the sample data doesn't pass the filter criteria. Please check the sample data and your filter to ensure everything matches.
- You may have one-to-many filters which branch off from the main recordset like the sample below. Try different layouts to find the solution that best matches your needs.
Please note, the following video references the term, Gnosiz. That's just Zerion speak for Dataflows. We're working to get these videos updated, but in the meantime, remember: Gnosiz equals Zerion Dataflows.
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