iForm for iOS Collect
To delete a record on your iOS device, please follow the instructions below.
STEP 1. From inside the app, select the form from which you will delete the record.
STEP 2. From the Record View, find the record you wish to delete and swipe it from right to left.
STEP 3: Click Delete.
STEP 4: To delete the record, confirm by clicking YES(Delete).
The record will no longer show in the Record View.
When you have a subform and do NOT have Separate View link mode checked off, your screen will look a little different (like below):
If that is the case and you needed to delete a subform record, you will need to press your finger on the record you want to delete and hold until a pop-up appears:
This works fine if I have a few, but what if I have 50 on my device? The engineer would prefer not to use "delete on upload".
Hi, Gwen. The enhancement to delete all records is coming to iOS in the next release (8.33). You can follow HERE to be automatically notified when the release is out. This feature is already available on the latest release of Android.
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