Android White Label
What's covered in this article?
- Growing / Emerging Account
- Google Developer account. Follow instructions here to set one up.
PLEASE NOTE: The final product is an APK file that can be uploaded to the store or distributed internally. Average turnaround time is two days once all requirements have been satisfied.
PLEASE NOTE: Average turnaround time is two days once all requirements have been satisfied.
Do not forget to provide a default help file link (example provided at the bottom of the page)
- Server Name
- Default Community Support Link
- Copy Record (Enabled / Disabled)
- FAQ Link
- Default Contact Email
- Hex Colors:
- Default Base
- Default Font/Label
- Default Shadow
- Default Button Text
- Login Button Color
- App PNG Icons
- 48x48
- 72x72
- 96x96
- 144x144
- 512x512
- Notification center PNG Icon (must be black and white only)
- 150x150
- 8 Separate Folders and each folder must contain a different size image called splash.png. foldername - splash.png size
- drawable-land-hdpi - 800x480
- drawable-hpdi - 480x800
- drawable-land-mdpi - 480x320
- drawable-mdpi - 320x480
- drawable-large-hdpi - 640x1024
- drawable-large-land-hdpi - 1024x600
- drawable-xlarge-land-mdpi - 1280x800
- drawable-xlarge-mdpi - 800x1280
- bg_image (optional) - 768x1004
- Default Title
- Application Name (appears below icon)
- Short Description (80 characters max)
- Full Description (4000 characters max)
- Minimum of 2 screenshots of app. These screenshots will be created when everything else is completed.
- Feature Graphic - 1024x500
- Privacy Policy Link
- Contact Details
- YouTube video (optional)
- Website (Optional)
- Email (Required)
- Phone (Optional)
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