iFormBuilder Integration Ideas
How do I use the ArcGIS Online Connector (Beta)?
To use the ArcGIS Online Connector with iFormBuilder, follow the instructions below.
Please note the following:
- This feature is still in beta.
- The link to ArcGIS Online will fail if any of the following data column names are in your form: feature_id, latitude, longitude.
- Forms with Text Areas that have 50 or more characters of data will cause this to fail.
The ArcGIS Online connector creates a relationship between iFormBuilder and ArcGIS Online to keep record data in sync.
How to get started: You first need to link your account by visiting the link below. Private database customers simply need to replace "app" with your company name.
Click the "Link" button, and proceed to sign in using your ArcGIS Online account details.
Once you sign in, the webpage will redirect back to iFormBuilder and show the account has been linked.
Looking below the link section, you will see a list of forms for this company profile along with some menu options. Only forms that have the ESRI widget added to them will appear here.
Select a form from the menu and choose how you want to link it with ArcGIS Online. After the link has been made you will see new record data being populated on the ArcGIS Online feature service that was created from iFormBuilder.
Import from ArcGIS: This will allow you to import a form created on the ArcGISOnline platform into iFormBuilder.
Publish: This allows you to publish an iFormBuilder form to ArcGISOnline as a new feature service excluding existing data on the iFormBuilder side.
Publish with Data: This allows you to publish an iFormBuilder form to ArcGISOnline as a new feature service which will include existing data on the iFormBuilder side. Photo(s) will be posted as URL Links within the Feature Service.
Link: This allows you to link an existing iFormBuilder form to an existing ArcGISOnline Feature Service
How to use the ArcGIS Online Connector:
Hi Tony,
Does the ArcGIS online account have to be Organization account or personal account is also fine? I guess the layer linked to iForm need be ArcGIS Feature Service Layer right, and does it need be shared as public in ArcGIS Online. After I connect iForm to my ArcGIS Online I can't see any layer can be selected to connect. Could you please advise? Thanks
Hi Jack. This would have to be an ArcGIS Online Organization Account. Either you can create a Feature Service from the Form or vice versa but the service does not need to be shared with the public it can be private in your ArcGIS instance. The reason you cannot see any forms is because you must have an esri widget on the forms that you are looking to publish. https://iformbuilder.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/202588984?
You will then be able to publish the form to your account.
Thanks Ben, I got ESRI widget in the form now linked to organization account. Now I understood how it works. Basically the form can be published from iForm to layer in ArcGIS Online, or a Feature Service layer served from the ArcGIS online server (not from our own ArcGIS server) can be linked to an existing iForm ESRI enabled form. It seems the subform is skipped when publish from iForm to ArcGIS rather. Would be great in the future the subforms could be published alone the parent form as related tables in ArcGIS database.
You got it Jack! I would like to see this feature in the system as well. I have went ahead and published an article in the voting for features section. Feel free to vote for this and share with others who may be intersted in the feature. The more traction it gets the better chance of it becoming part of the platform. https://iformbuilder.zendesk.com/hc/communities/public/questions/201321470-Subform-support-for-ArcGIS-Online-Connector
If you are looking to update their Feature Services without re-publishing take a look at this link. http://blogs.esri.com/esri/arcgis/2014/10/19/updating-hosted-feature-services-in-arcgis-online/
When I use this ESRI widget in a multi-paging subform, the form skips past the location collection step (it looks like it's going to load the map, then cuts straight to the form instead). Anyone else experience this issue?
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