Form Builder Elements
Elements at a Glance
With more than 35 element types, powerful smart logic, and enhanced features like smart table search, users enjoy an environment where they can go beyond simple forms and build robust business applications.
The 3rd Party element creates a link to other software installed on the device from within iForm. This functionality exists on both iOS and Android but is configured differently for each operating system.
Click here to learn more about the 3rd Party element.
The "Assign To" element allows the user collecting data, to send the data they just collected to another user. The user who the record was assigned to will see a notification saying a record has been assigned to them the next time they sync their device. Please note this function is only available on the parent form. For example, if you have a form with 3 subforms attached to it, it would only assign the records from the main form, not the subform.
Use the Attachment element to link local (PDF, .MOV, .MP4) or external web content (connection required) within iForm. Simply provide a URL that points to the desired content. Adding content to the web is easy, iFormBuilder has integrated with DropBox.
Click here to learn more about the Attachment element.
The Counter element allows you to increase or decrease a count with just the tap of a button.
The date element allows users to capture a past, present or future date stored in a localized format. In the U.S. the date will appear as Month-Day-Year.
The date-time element allows the user to combine the functionality of both the date and time element together.
The divider element is a thin horizontal line that can be used to break up sections within a form, or separate specific element from the rest of the form. Use horizontal lines to give users a visual reference on when a new section of the form begins. Dividers do not capture any data and will not show up in the Data Feeds.
The drawing element opens up the entire screen on the iPhone/iPad as a canvas for you to draw. If you have accepted a drawing but click on the drawing element again, a new blank canvas will be opened. New drawing will overwrite the old one unless you hit "cancel".
An e-mail element can be paired with an option list of popular domain names to send e-mail records of the form to the entered address. Users can enter a custom domain name if the option list does not contain the domain they need. Make sure to check the "Send E-mail" checkbox in the "Input Properties" to send the record to the entered address.
Use the image element to capture a photo from your device's camera (if equipped). You may also select an image from the photo library stored on your device.
There is a new element in FormBuilder called Image Label. The purpose of this element is to let users add images to their forms. Since these inputs are labels, they will not appear in your data, and will only be visible on the device. To use Image Labels you need to define the directory where the images live in the form properties.
The label element is another way to add text to your forms and can be used to identify different sections within the form. Labels do not capture any data, and for that reason will not show up in the Data Feeds.
The Location element is used to capture GPS data of the current location when the element is entered. Inside this element, you can select Refresh to have the application capture updated data.
Utilize the MagStripe element with Linea-Pro or MagTek - iDynamo to capture information from a Swipe of a Credit Card, Drivers License and More.
Masking Elements
The elements below make it easy to enter in common information such as phone numbers, zip codes, and social security numbers. As we all know, these numbers can be requested to be captured in all different formats. The masking feature makes it easy to customize the number layout according to your specific needs. Be sure to watch the short YouTube video below that will explain all about the elements that have the masking feature.
The phone number element is used to capture localized phone numbers. Use the masking capabilities to get the most out of this element. The mask can also be customized to meet your specific needs.
The SSN element is used to capture data in the U.S. Social Security number format. The mask can be manipulated to meet other data needs as well.
The zip elememt is used to capture U.S. Postal codes. Users can configure the masking capabilities to meet other data needs as well.
Learn about masking elements here
The Manatee element can be used to scan and capture information from a QR Code using the built in camera on the device. When you click on this element it will take you to the Camera on the device. From there simply take a clear picture of the QR Code and select Use at the bottom right of the device. If the image is not clear enough to read you will be prompted to take another picture of the Code. If the code is read correctly it will go back to the Form and display the URL in the QR Code Element.
The multi-select is just like the pick-list element, except users may select multiple items from the assigned option list.
The number element only accepts numerical entries and has a default limit of 50 characters. As mentioned above only the first 14 digits are written to the database with the number of 0's indicated by scientific notation.
PLEASE NOTE: Do not capture numerical data that should be stored as a string using this input. And any data entered in a number field will be rounded after the 14th digit and stored in the database in scientific notation.
The pick list element is similar to the select element, except it opens a new window within the application that lets the user see the choices in a more accommodating view. Use this element if a select element is too small to handle your list.
The range element is used when a numerical value needs to be selected from a range of values. Rating something on a scale of 1-10 is a good example. Simply place 1 in the "Low Value" field and 10 in the "High Value" field. The users filling out the form will only be able to select a value between 1 and 10.
FormBuilder now has a separate Read Only element. This element performs similarly to the previous "read-only" function checkbox with the exception of, now, being manipulated by dynamic values. One cool thing about the read-only element get or read-only attribute of a text element is that you can use them to create a date and time stamp. To do this, just write Date() in the dynamic value of the element.
The signature element is used to capture data that has been drawn freely with the user's finger. Sign work-orders, draw sketches and even rough diagrams, all with the tip of your finger.
The select element is used in conjunction with an option list. All of the options contained within the list will be shown to the user on the form. This element only allows a user to select one of the options defined by the list. Use this element when you have small lists and short options to work with.
The sound element can be used to record voice memos on the devices that have microphones.
The subform element can be used to create sub-section of a larger form. It is more efficient to create smaller "subforms" and place them inside a parent form. Subform elements can be configured to allow for only a single or multiple paging.
PLEASE NOTE: A user who creates a form is automatically assigned to "Collect" and "View" data for this form. If the form will only be used as a sub-form, then you want to remove the "Collect" rights for all users. This will ensure they do not see the sub-form appear in the form menu on the device. They can still collect data for this form, but it must be entered by first opening the parent form.
This element only receives alphanumeric data and has a default limit of 50 characters. Change the data size to expand or restrict the character limit (Just not on a live form! Remember Golden Rule #2).
The toggle element is used for questions that are either "on, off" or "yes, no" questions. It is a simple way to have someone filling out the form validate the question.
The time element allows users to enter in a time, based on a localized format. The U.S. display will appear as "hh:mm:ss:" AM/PM.
The text-area element is a multi-line text entry field that can be used to send larger messages that will not fit into a normal text element.
The unique ID element creates a unique server ID that can be customized using the "Prefix" field to create work-orders or invoice IDs. The unique ID is generated on the server side once the record has been submitted. It is commonly hidden on the device using a condition value of false. When the Unique ID input type is selected the Prefix defaults to INV- which can be customized.
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