This video shows how to take iFormBuilder Data with Subforms (Single Paging) and consolidate it into one single sheet within Google Docs. This function brings in Column Names as well as all the data for each column.
PLEASE NOTE: There are a couple of limitations for using this function.
- The form can only use single paging subforms within it's structure.
- There is a 256 column limit in the spreadsheet that could limit the amount of data shown. For example: if your column has 270 columns of data, the last 14 columns of data will not display on the spreadsheet.
Here is the link to this function:
PLEASE NOTE: The sample we posted was provided as an option that we gathered from the web. You may need to customize the code as it fits your needs.
You can use the example code below so that the refresh pulls only the data after a certain date:
cell.setFormula('=QUERY(IMPORTJSON("",,"XXXXXXX/record"),"where \'' + datestart + ' 00:00:01\' < Col5")');
Col5 is the 5th column which is the date created column
datestart is the variable I used which holds the date to filter from
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