ERROR: Syncing with Server (Certificate Invalid)




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    Ben Cadwallader

    Thaks Tony, I have done this. See attached photos.


    It has not worked.


    I have so many nspections I need to downlaod. We have had no problem with our personal I-pjones that have the software loaded. It is just with our I-Pod touched that are connected through the roperties wi-fi. They have however worked fine in the past.


    I really want to avoid re inspecting all the houses that have been done using this device.


    Please help.

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    Judi Dench

     I have also faced an error issue on my SMTP server. I have been using outlook account since 2016.  Currently, when I was sending an email to my boss, I had seen an error code, which is outlook error 0x800ccc0e gmail due to the SMTP server issue. After making a lot of effort, I go through . From there I got a proper solution.

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